This Smoothie is absolutely delicious! Put 2 cups of spinach in the bottom, at a mixture of at least three different fruits (about a cup of fruit). Add a cup of plain Greek yogurt and 1/4 of a cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk and blend! If this is still not sweet enough for you, you can always add a tablespoon of honey or just add more fruit.
I wanted to eat more kale...and lets just say kale isn't the best tasting veggie in the world; so I added it to a smoothie! I add about a cup of kale and a cup of spinach. When I make a smoothie with kale I like to add half an apple on top of the rest of the fruit, this helps disguise the taste of the kale a whole lot better.
This smoothie is a great pre or post workout snack, as well as a great breakfast to start off any day!