Sunday, September 8, 2013

Did You Eat Your Veggies Today?

I always find myself forcing myself to get my veggies in for the day. So I decided I need to do something different. I now drink my veggies with breakfast! This is my MEAN GREEN SMOOTHIE.

This Smoothie is absolutely delicious! Put 2 cups of   spinach in the bottom, at a mixture of at least three different fruits (about a cup of fruit). Add a cup of plain Greek yogurt and 1/4 of a cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk and blend! If this is still not sweet enough for you, you can always add a tablespoon of honey or just add more fruit.

I wanted to eat more kale...and lets just say kale isn't the best tasting veggie in the world; so I added it to a smoothie! I add about a cup of kale and a cup of spinach. When I make a smoothie with kale I like to add half an apple on top of the rest of the fruit, this helps disguise the taste of the kale a whole lot better. 

This smoothie is a great pre or post workout snack, as well as a great breakfast to start off any day!                                                          

Saturday, September 7, 2013

What's for Dinner?

Whats for dinner tonight?! Spaghetti! Mmmm, nothing like nice tender angel hair pasta; except for the fact that delicious dinner will turn to sugar in your stomach before you get up from the dinner table. Fortunately for you spaghetti lovers there is an alternative! Its called spaghetti squash! Spaghetti squash is great because it takes on the taste of whatever you mix with it, whether it be good ole Spaghetti meat sauce, or you can switch it up and make Alfredo. There are endless possibilities with this dish you just have to be willing to give it a try!

1 Spaghetti Squash
1/2 can of any type of sauce you prefer (I go with the organic basil sauce)
1 serving of chicken or lean sausage
Pick your favorite veggie!

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees

Cut the Spaghetti squash in half (careful, this part is a little dangerous. Be sure to have a super sharp knife)
set the timer for 20 min (it may be longer depending on how big the squash is and how tender you like it)

When the squash has about ten minutes left, start cooking the meat. I like to ground up my turkey when eating spaghetti but you can also make meat balls with it.

Heat up the sauce in a sauce pan on medium heat

Take a fork and start shredding out the in side of the squash onto a plate. It should come out smoothly and look like spaghetti noodles.

Add your meat and sauce to the top of it, put your veggie on the side and PRESTO! You have a worry free, guilt free delicious meal.